The Green Grass

Green grass
Where are you
Little animals in their homes
Under my feet I feel when I walk

Green grass
Where my head
I can rest
Looking to the sky
And the clouds pass

Green grass
Is humid
Because of the drizzle
That happened

It looks fresh and shiny
With the droplets
Of humidity
Green grass
I like to see
With my bare feet
I usually walk

Green grass usually catches
The leaves that the wind
Move from here to there
The green grass will catch
Dry leaves
That the wind will bring
And some flowers
That usually stop
In the cool grass
From that place

Green grass
Greener will be
With the bright sun
That will give it light
Filling with life
The green grass
It will be seen

Green grass
Usually decorate
Filling with life
Freshness anywhere

Green grass
I love to see
And with my bare feet
Caress the fresh grass of that place

Green grass
Gives us peace of mind
With its rich aroma
To enjoy
A beautiful day


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