An Afternoon In September

One afternoon in September
Fresh the breeze feels
I see the branches of the tree move
And the rays of the sun shake me!

I feel the warmth of the sun
But not so hot
I hear the wind whisper
Making way as you pass!

The sky is beautiful
With its infinite blue
My great tree moves
The breeze he feels it
Letting yourself be loved
Accepting the freshness
And warmth this month

Of this September afternoon
I don’t feel impatient anymore
I just breathe and feel!
I love this afternoon in September!

It feels like arriving
Autumn magic!
The freshness and watching the trees change
Its beautiful colors
We love to watch

Oh September!
A beautiful afternoon feels

The swaying of the leaves
That the breeze falls in love
On this September afternoon
Feelings surface

In the skin and the heart
That they never lie
In the afternoon of September
Autumn already feels


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